About me
陳建志博士服務於國立臺北教育大學教育經營與管理學系,擔任副教授一職,其研究專長為十二年國民基本教育、實驗教育、教育領導、組織行為、師資培育、多變量統計分析等。學術發表內容刊載於Asia Pacific Education Review、British Educational Research Journal、Educational Studies、Journal of Educational Administration、Knowledge Management Research & Practice、當代教育研究季刊、教育研究集刊、教育政策論壇、教育研究與發展期刊、管理與系統、教育學刊等SSCI及TSSCI期刊。 

20241211 Dr. Sae's Lecture: Development and Prospects of Implementing EMI (English-Medium Instruction) at Japanese Universities
20241211 Dr. Sae's Lecture: Development and Prospects of Implementing EMI (English-Medium Instruction) at Japanese Universities

20240410 The discussion on the consolidation of small schools, addressing perspectives from the Education Bureau and parents.
20240410 The discussion on the consolidation of small schools, addressing perspectives from the Education Bureau and parents.
20240508 Supplementary Education Act
20240508 Supplementary Education Act
20240508 Supplementary Education Act
20240508 Supplementary Education Act
20240508 Supplementary Education Act
20240508 Supplementary Education Act
20240508 Supplementary Education Act
20240508 Supplementary Education Act
20240508 Supplementary Education Act
20240508 Supplementary Education Act
20240508 Supplementary Education Act
20240508 Supplementary Education Act

20240516 The digital transformation of Ningxia Night Market
20240516 The digital transformation of Ningxia Night Market

20240417 Taipei Hua-Wen International Digital Experimental Education Institution
20240417 Taipei Hua-Wen International Digital Experimental Education Institution